Sunday, January 02, 2005

Women and Body Image

As women, we all want to look and feel our best. This is not always easy, considering the busy life today's woman leads and the many responsibilities she may have. It can be tough to find time for exercising and eating right, not to mention controlling stress! Sometimes women can feel pressured to look and feel a certain way. We live in a culture that puts much emphasis on physical appearance. Developing and nurturing a positive body image and a healthy mental attitude is crucial to our happiness and wellness, as we move through the different stages of our lives.

Body image and our health and well being
Our health, which we sometimes can and cannot control, affects not just how we feel but how we look. Our body image - how we feel about how we look - can change when we have a health condition or illness. Pregnancy and menopause, natural life events women experience, can also affect body image. Learning about how our health affects our body image is an important first step in developing a positive body image.

The following resources focus on some of the top health concerns that can affect a woman's body image. Information and resources are provided for each health concern.

Alopecia (hair loss)
Oral Health
Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD)
Skin Disorders


This editorial review from provides a comprehensive review of medical problems faced by women during the varying stages of their lives. Effects of body image on health conditions and illnesses and vice versa. Click on the various links to know about the various conditions and life events.
At one time the MOH was considering having Well Women Clinics like those in the UK where ladies can go to confirm that they are well and if it should turn out that they do have problems, these problems can be solved. Click here to see the scope of such clinics.
Considering the fact that men are better known for not seeking help for their medical problems, the MOH should also consider setting up Well Men Clinics for men to go to and have their medical problems dealt with earlier.
The MOH could consider locating these clinics at the various district health clinics and have the growing number of Family Health Physicians within the MOH run them. Presently these specialists are being underutilised and are virtually functioning as regular health doctors and not doing all that they are capable of.

See also this item regarding the MOH aim to " Decentralise Expertise At Overcrowded Hospitals". Another of the new MINIster Datuk Dr Chua's new idea.


Anonymous said...

Wow, MOH is the first ministry to have a dedicated blog. keep it up.

En Anon.

Anonymous said...

sell note