Sunday, July 03, 2005

30% Of Deaths In Sabah Hospitals Due To Heart Problems

30% Of Deaths In Sabah Hospitals Due To Heart Problems

KOTA KINABALU, July 3 (Bernama) -- A total of 776 people died of heart problems in Sabah government hospitals in 2003, making up 29.76 percent of all deaths recorded in the hospitals, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said.

He said heart problems constituted the primary cause of death in the state.

Quoting further statistics to show the growing risk to the public's health in the state, he said about 59.8 percent of the population or six out of 10 people neglected physical exercise.

Nationwide, 16.6 percent of adults or about two million people were overweight, he said at the launch of the state-level fitness campaign at Padang Merdeka here Sunday.

The campaign is organised by the National Fitness Council.

Musa said that in the present age when many tasks were done with technological assistance, exercise and sports were gaining importance as essential activities to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

"Keeping ourselves fit will benefit us, our family, the community and nation," he said.

He said exercise and sports were preferable to negative habits such as loafing, gossiping in coffeeshops on unproductive matters and slandering people.

Speaking to reporters later, Musa, who is the Sabah Umno chief, said the party's divisions would set up community sports clubs coordinated by the respective district officers.

He said the clubs' role would be to build public awareness on the importance of keeping fit and healthy.


Sabahans have cause to worry with such a high perentage of cardiac problems. Time to check in at the heart center to learn some healthy tips of cardiac care. This is a good resource to check on tips and articles on caring for your heart. Don't wait till the heart is going going gone before doing so. A replacement heart, natural or artificial is difficult to come by. Take good care of the one God has given you.

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